Tickets & Admissions


Pit admission: $25 on regular race night. Special Event night prices change. Schedule reflects the changes on those nights. Kids below 6 are FREE in the pit, Kids 6 - 12 are $10. Kids over12 regular pit admission price

Grandstand: $15 on regular race night. Special Event night prices change. Schedule reflects changes on those nights. Kids 12 and under are FREE in grandstand


Gates open at 4pm unless otherwise noted. 

General Parking  is FREE -- please follow directions of those at the front gates and follow them. We will not tolerate any of our volunteers being harassed, yelled at, or anything of the like. If there is an issue ask for one of the promoters. Pit parking for personal vehicles *not* carrying vehicle/trailer will be $5

Our events are family friendly. Please conduct yourself accordingly. 

NO ALCOHOL is permitted in the pits. If you are caught, you will be told to leave with no refund or rain check.